©Kazuo Koishi

To a world where everyone has the right to health

World Health Day 2021

We, Médecins du Monde, have been on-site in various parts of the world, delivering health care to those who have been marginalized from it, and witnessing the current situation and factors that violate our rights to health.

“Right to health” and “Right to access medical care at birth”

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has cast the weight of respect for the right to health and the importance of reaffirming it to all societies.
We are now seeing all kinds of disparities, from socio-economic disparities to health disparities, exposed and amplified all over the world. The Covid-19 vaccine is one of them, and despite the fact that diagnosis, treatment, and access to vaccines are key to responding to a pandemic, there is great inequality in infectious disease control and vaccination that should rather be treated as a public good. Even if a rich country monopolizes the vaccine, the pandemic will not end. How to deliver vaccines to homeless people, inmates, migrants, refugees, drug users and other marginalized people. We must take concrete measures to reach all people fairly and we must recognize that social discrimination and stigma increase inequality, which makes us more vulnerable globally.
In areas affected by conflicts and humanitarian crises, the reality is that many people still lack access to the medical supplies and medical care they need due to inadequate health systems and staff. Infectious disease epidemics require more special consideration and response. Infectious disease control, which is not based on needs or human rights, has the consequence of prolonging the pandemic, confusing people, and deepening inequality at home and abroad. International solidarity is required not only domestically but also across national borders.

Think and work together …
We believe that a health care system based on health rights, solidarity and human rights is needed more than ever, and it is important to work toward its realization at the citizen level in all societies.


#WHD2021 #VaccineForAll

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