©MdM Japan

Rohingya Refugee Community Support Project Activity Update 2021-3 “Deliver local health care, not just infectious diseases”

As in other countries, non-communicable diseases are a challenge in Bangladesh. Forty-one percent of deaths in Japan are due to cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancer and diabetes.

Médecins du Monde is targeting Rohingya refugees and people in the host community around the camp and carries out the following activities

1.Awareness raising of middle-aged and older people aged 40 and over and family caregivers who are at high risk or are affected

2.Forming a family association and holding meetings where supporters exchange information and receive advice and support in refugee camps

3.We have training in screening non-communicable diseases for clinic staff in the host community, training for patient guidance and education, training for providing equipment for screening, maintenance and management, and non-communicable diseases. Support for strengthening the follow-up system for patients who have suffered from illness

Volunteers from refugees and host community residents are involved in these activities to create a mechanism promoting mutual assistance. Volunteers are trained in both refugee camps and host communities, and they are called community health volunteers to educate people and their families over the age of 40.
We also provided sphygmomanometers and blood glucose meters to clinics in the host community to make it easier to diagnose non-communicable diseases.
In the refugee camp, we plan to form a family supporters’ association and hold meetings.

In developing countries such as Bangladesh, the risks and threats of infectious diseases are still high, but in the meantime, non-communicable diseases are quietly progressing and spreading. Just like in Japan this is a problem that needs to be addressed globally, but resources and human resources are limited, especially in developing countries.
We will do our utmost to help everyone maintain and improve their health and enjoy the medical services they need and to which everyone should be entitled.

Rohingya Refugee Community Support Project Coordinator
Hideaki Nakajima

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